4 Types of Influencers and How They Can Help Your Business

People don’t make purchases based on price or market competition anymore. They make them based on reviews from their network, influencers and community sourced reviews.

Currently 49% of potential customers rely on influencer recommendations to help make purchasing decisions, and 74% rely on social networks to help guide their decision.

The four primary types of influencers are Mega, Macro, Micro and Local influencers, and they all have certain ways to support your marketing efforts.

01. Mega Influencers (1M+ followers like Chrissy Teigen)

Celebrities and other big names are engaged to endorse brands with the hopes of attracting their fan base to use the product or service. These sorts of influencer investments tend to be pretty pricey, lack real authenticity around the brand endorsement and receive only about 2-5% engagement.


02. Macro Influencers (10k-1M followers like Kat Tanita)

These are specialists, focusing on a certain topic area such as travel, fashion, fitness or food. Post engagement tends to be between 5-25% depending on the type of engagement and platform. This sort of influencer engagement is great for a brand with a larger budget, who finds an influencer that really aligns with the brand mission.


03. Micro Influencers (1k – 10k followers like The Brothers Buoy)

These tend to be generalists who are usually unpaid for any sort of brand promotion. These influencers have smaller following, but closers relationships with their community, giving them the highest levels of engagement between 25-50% per post. This is probably the best place to start dabbling with influencer marketing if you’re new to the game.


04. Local Influencers (0-1k followers like you and me!)

These influencers provide hyperlocal influence based on their small and usually localized following. When engaged correctly, these influencers can be some of the most loyal brand advocates you could ever hope for. These users receive comments about 0.5% of the time, compared to 0.04% for users with 10M+ followers. That’s almost a 13x difference, but it does require a detailed understanding of your audience.



Every business can benefit from influencer marketing, but the key is to find the right influencer for your business. That could mean a big celebrity partnership or by engaging small local influencers.

With Ampsy, you can begin to identify those influencers who are already near your business or at your store by monitoring real-time social media activity. This gives you an edge on the competition by building relationships with influencers who are already nearby.

Paige Soucie

Community Director at Ampsy. Lover of all things travel and fitness. On a mission to help businesses engage and activate customers.

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