Hootsuite: Why Darius Rucker Using Ampsy for Hootsuite is Even Cooler than You Think

Using the Ampsy app for Hootsuite, Darius’s team was able to identify superfans within aggregated streams based on the type and volume of content shared. By doing this, they were able to give them special attention with shout outs, special offers, and the latest updates on what was going on at the concert.

… And then gave fans the social media equivalent of a backstage afterparty

Before using Hootsuite, fan social conversation typically dropped off completely around 24 to 48 hours after shows.

But not this time.

With the Ampsy app for Hootsuite, team Darius set up a Southern Style Tour social hub, where they were able to aggregate social content shared around the hashtags #SouthernStyleTour and #DariusRucker, as well as mentions around the @DariusRucker Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Their team used Hootsuite’s scheduling and management capabilities to contact fans who had shared content, and invited them to view content on Darius’s various networks. They also encouraged fans to find their content and re-share it in their social sphere.

This social strategy kept the fan dialogue going for several days, and in some cases weeks, after a show had ended–that’s three to five times longer than previous concerts. It was like being invited to the best backstage afterparty ever on social.

Read the full article on Hootsuite.

Paige Soucie

Community Director at Ampsy. Lover of all things travel and fitness. On a mission to help businesses engage and activate customers.

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