Archive for March 2018

3 Ways AI Technology Can Improve Your Customer Experience

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can be seen everywhere. From voice assistants like Siri and Alexa, to Uber’s self-driving cars or perfectly timed ads from your favorite stores, AI has started to infiltrate more and more aspects of our daily lives. How does AI and machine learning work, exactly? AI is…

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5 Reasons Live Visualizations Are Key to Overall Event Success

Experiences IRL (in real life) no longer occur in a vacuum. IRL is just one channel an event can be experienced through. It will then be translated onto a variety of other channels for consumption by other people around the world. This new multi-channel experience means event planners need to take into consideration how IRL…

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4 Types of Influencers and How They Can Help Your Business

People don’t make purchases based on price or market competition anymore. They make them based on reviews from their network, influencers and community sourced reviews. Currently 49% of potential customers rely on influencer recommendations to help make purchasing decisions, and 74% rely on social networks to help guide their decision. The four primary types of influencers are Mega,…

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4 Social Media Tips for Your Next Live Event

With the advances in technology, every attendee at a live event becomes an amplifier. Live events are no longer just for the audience, but rather for anyone with access to the internet. This means brands and event planners need to blend the online and offline experience during a live event, proactively taking control of the…

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